
Artist residencies in academia: utopia or madness?, 2024

From the exhibition THE WORM: TERRESTRIAL, FANTASTIC AND WET on Campus Gotland in 2022. Photo: Karl Melander.

Artist residencies in academia: utopia or madness?

Part of Almedalen week programme 2024
Date: 27 June
Time: 10:00-11:00
Place: B24 Campus Gotland
Language: Swedish

The transition needed to live well within the planet's limits requires academia to lead the way. Meetings between academia and the arts can break new ground. Are artist residencies one of the solutions? Join us for a conversation with researchers, artists and residency organisers about the opportunities and challenges.

The transformation needed to thrive in a world of complex social and environmental challenges requires academia to move beyond traditional boundaries. Encounters between science and the arts have emerged as a form that can create new starting points, perspectives and ways of working. This seminar will focus on artistic residencies in academia, a form of collaboration that has a long history internationally but has also grown in Sweden in recent years. In a time of polarisation and fragmentation, residencies offer opportunities to meet over time and explore issues in depth. At the same time, they raise questions such as: What do residencies create and what do they bring to scholarship and artistic practice? What are the difficulties? What are the experiences and what can we learn from them? At the seminar we will meet residency organisers as well as researchers and artists who work in different ways with residencies at Uppsala University and Linnaeus University.

Jenny Helin, Director of the Uppsala University Graduate School of Sustainability Studies
Olle Jansson, Head of the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University
Helen Hägglund, Director of the Cultural University, Linnaeus University
Helena Selder, Artistic Director, Baltic Art Centre
Erika Sigvardsdotter, Coordinator of the Centre for Medical Humanities, Uppsala University
Kalle Brolin, artist


The Worm: Terrestrial, Fantastic and Wet, was presented as part of the GRASS Fellow programme where BAC and Uppsala University's interdisciplinary research school in sustainable development (GRASS) invite artists with a special focus on sustainability issues. The aim of the programme is to enrich Uppsala University Campus Gotland with artistic processes and experiments, excursions and exhibitions in order to contribute to increased curiosity, awareness and knowledge of sustainability issues. Visiting GRASS fellows during spring 2022 was Anne Duk Hee Jordan and Pauline Doutreluingne.